Friday, February 10, 2012

A Walk to Remember ~ Eiza Idanie Che Saleh: ”这很好啊!“

A Walk to Remember ~ Eiza Idanie Che Saleh: ”这很好啊!“: 一位非常有智慧的老人被国王请到了宫中,做了国师。他有一句非常有名的口头襌,那就是:”这很好啊,是件好事。“ 一天,国王的小手指头不小心被砸掉了。疼痛难忍的国王问老人有什么办法可以止痛,老人又把那句口头襌搬了出来,他告诉国王说:”尊敬的陛下,请您大声地念‘这很好...


    国王听了勃然大怒道:”寡人的手都这样了,你还说是好事!我现在把你送进监狱里去,看你还说不说是好事!“ 但是没想到当卫兵押老人近监狱时,他还重复那句话:”这很好啊,进监狱也是件好事啊。“
    ”当然." 老人答道:“如果不是在监狱里,我肯定要配您去打猎,那么现在我一定被杀掉了。”智慧老人摇了摇他健全的双手说。


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Nurture Yourself for a Day

petikan diambil dari buku"60 ways to Heal your Life - lynda field"

What does it mean to nurture yourself? 
Do you nurture yourself?
How do you treat yourself?

Think of the way you would treat a small helpless child. if this child was hungry, you would feed hum; if he was crying, you would comfort him;if he made a mistake, you would forgive him; if he fell over, you would pick him up and help him back to his feet. you would encourage this child in every way you knew. when he falls over,  you don't yell at him. if he drops a toy, you don't criticize him. He is free to make mistake because this is how he learns. You know that this child will develop through love and support; he will not develop and learn if he is abused. Of course you treat him well, he is only a child and deserves your supportive love and care.

Answer the following question.

  • Do you treat yourself in this caring way?
  • Do you love and encourage yourself?
  • Do you help yourself up when you fall and do you comfort yourself when you are sad?
  • Do you forgive yourself when you make a mistake?
We find it so difficult to treat ourselves in this loving and nurturing way. Decide to nurture yourself fir a day and see how it goes. Say the following affirmation to yourself throughout the day.


                                         I deserve love and care.

Try to make sure that every thought or action of the day is one that supports and encourages you. Remember how you would treat that small child - well, treat yourself in exactly the same way. Nurture yourself for a day and the habit may grow.

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semua benda mengikut arah lawan jam

Selalulah melihat jam arah lawan jam ini kerana apabila kita melihatnya dalam satu jangka masa, Manfaat Yang Diperolehi:
 * Membersihkan darah daripada ion-ion positif berlebihan daripada radiasi luar yang terperangkap
 * Meningkatkan fungsi sistem imun, antibodi dan hormon tubuh
 * Merangsang daya tumpuan
 * Mengekalkan potensi diri yang optima
 * Mengimbangi kedua-dua hemisfera otak kiri dan kanan
 * Mengawal depresi/tekanan perasaan
 * Meningkatkan daya vital/semangat
 * Mengawal, mengimbangi, mencegah dan merawat kanser Tingkatkan Tenaganya Berkali-kali Ganda Redha – Ikhlas – Sabar – Tenang dengan konsisten diiringi kepercayaan yang sepenuhnya kepada Maha Pencipta akan meningkatkan lagi tenaga dari jam ini berkali-kali ganda.

 Penggunaan Jam Terbalik
 * Bagi lelaki – di pergelangan tangan kanan. (jam tangan)
* Bagi wanita – di pergelangan tangan kiri. (jam tangan)

Rekaan jam terbalik ini bukan sekadar untuk mengukur waktu, tetapi amat besar manfaat kepada pemakainya. Apabila anda melihat pergerakan jarum jam dalam gerakan ke kanan, persepsi anda akan mengalami suatu daya/kesan magnetisma pertama yang dikawal oleh hipotalamus. Isyarat yang diterima akan dihantar ke kelenjar pineal untuk rangsangan tenaga vital yang amat penting untuk sistem imun tubuh. Bagaimana pun, kesan atau impak bukanlah dapat dilihat secara terus melainkan dengan arahan-arahan tertentu yang diterima dan diproses oleh otak sebelum memberikan isyarat kepada bahagian yang lain untuk tindakan (respons).

 The right movement is a condition, where the energy existance is equals to the balanced universe energy, which suppose to bring harmonize balance to the body system through its usage. Being energized by low wave frequency, it increases the body senses and builds self-capability towards the 'right' characteristic, which means goodness. Everything towards the goodness starts with the right movement; planets movement, tawaf at Kaabah, atom's movement, blood's circulation in the body etc are parts of the universe movement, which reach the equilibrium.

 Food digesting system has to go through left law procedure to create energy. But when the energy is formed, it will make the right movement immediately. The same thing happen to all the senses which involves the third eye sense, which detects and analyses energy from external concept and is actually doing right vibration receiving principle.

 Anti-clockwise or to the right concept is actually a natural movement, such as blood circulation circulates the blood from the heart's left side to the right and back to the left. and many more

 The right movement clock will change the perception of the wearer to put things under control, help to lighten the sickness and acts as a prevention to the polluted radiation disturbance. Not only that, there are still many other usages.

 "This right moving clock could function as the natural balancing for every second to fulfill the basic energy's law which has happened since the creation of the universe and human existence.

 "Anything with energy will make a movement according to its law. The basic law of movement is moving from the left to the right.

 So, do everything by starting it from the right.

 Pergerakkan ke Kanan adalah pergerakkan semulajadi alam. Dalam agama Islam, semua perkara yang baik di sunatkan dimulakan dengan sebelah kanan. Dalam Quran, golongan yang akan dimasukkan kedalam syurga dipanggil 'As-habul Yamin' atau golongan Kanan.

 Pergerakkan tawaf adalah pergerakkan ke kanan. Elektron yang mengelilingi nucleus dalam atom juga bergerak ke kanan. Kanan melambangkan kebaikan sejagat.

 Jam Ke Kanan menggunakan konsep ke Kanan ini bagi mengembalikan keseimbangan fikiran dan peredaran darah dalam tubuh secara semulajadi. Kelebihan dan khasiat Jam Ke Kanan
 * Sebagai pengimbang semulajadi setiap detik/saat
 * Menjadikan fikiran lebih tenang dengan penghantaran mesej tenaga secara tetap dan sekata
 * Membantu mengawal rentak jantung
 * Mengharmonikan sistem kesemua kelenjar
 * Memenuhi falsafah hukum 7 kuasa menguasai tenaga

 Mengukuhkan 7 Keadaan
 * Kebenaran mengatasi Kesilapan
 * Kelajuan mengatasi Kelewatan
 * Kemudahan mengatasi Rintangan
 * Kestabilan mengatasi Kucar-kacir
 * Kekuatan mengatasi Kelemahan
 * Keuntungan mengatasi Kerugian
 * Kejayaan mengatasi Kegagalan